Wednesday 2 November 2011

STRIP! It's here at last!

After a long gestation, beset by administration problems, the vagaries of the international banking system, unreliable couriers, and every conceivable logistic issue short of a plague of locusts, publisher Ivo Milicevic and editor John Freeman have finally got #1 of Strip Magazine into good comic shops everywhere…

I've lettered Black Ops Extreme, written by John F and drawn by the ever-wonderful PJ Holden, with colours by Gary Caldwell, and I've also collaborated with Gary on the 'restoration' of 70s classic strip Hookjaw. Originally printed in Action, created and written by Pat Mills and Ken Armstrong with art by Ramon Sola, I've been removing the old Letterpress lettering, digitally re-inking the holes this has left in the artwork and then re-lettering the pages. Gary has added splendid new colours and the result is so fresh and vibrant that it looks like a new strip!

I've also lettered the prequel/lead-in story to PrintMedia's splendid Iron Moon graphic novel by Stephen Walsh and Keith Page.

Other stories include Phil Hester and John McCrea's Warpaint, and James Hudnall and John Ridgway's Age of Heroes…

The magazine is brave and worthwhile attempt to capture the spirit of what were once called "boys' adventure comics" for a new generation, and deserves all the support you can give it.

Don't take my word for it -- check out a preview by clicking here.

Strip is only available through specialist comic stores at present, but a full high-street launch is planned if the initial response is positive. Make Strip Magazine a success -- buy a copy today. Buy two!

If you can't make it to a comic shop (or live outside the UK) then you can buy the iPad edition from the iTunes store.

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